Explore these printable Easter coloring sheets to enjoy the holiday fervor of spring bringing colorful eggs, bunny, crosses, lilies, ducklings and more. Click to get the larger view of coloring printables for further usage, applications and gifting. Make your kids learn and enjoy holiday fervor.

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Easter has story that it is related with Jesus, it says that He is Risen. Let your kids learn more about the real story which lead to the celebration of Easter. Make them study more about it in a play-way method. Present them these Easter Story Coloring Pages to learn and enjoy the festival.

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Surf our Christianity based printables for the Easter seasonal holidays making kids enjoy their time in doing their favorite coloring activity. These Easter Cross Coloring Pages are available for free to all to bring religious feelings among everyone and offer words of prayers towards Jesus who was crucified on the cross. Along with cross - lilies, bunny and eggs are also there.

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